Welcome On My Blog

Written on 24 April 2020. Tagged with welcome.

I know I am quite late to the party, but I finally launched my blog!

Since French people are being isolated at home because of COVID-19 pandemic, I figured it was just the right time for me to rework an old blog project, long abandonned on GitHub.

The project originated in late 2011, and was created to implement yet another static blog generator. I used Python as programming language because I wanted to leverage two famous packages from the Python ecosystem: Jinja2 and Pygments.

Why implement a new static blog generator, you may ask? Good question!

Before starting the project I looked at Jekyll and Pelican. Both generators felt too complex compared to what I needed. I wanted to write posts in HTML and to avoid learning a new CLI tool. Ultimately, I came up with some glue code around Jinja2 and Pygments.

Then, I wrote short posts to share random tips but I never felt the urge to publish the generated blog.

Until now.